Thursday, April 22, 2010

Site Model - compiling

We have a few parcels loaded into the full digital site model. Here's a first look:

Isn't it a better "first look" than the Digital Project site model from a few weeks ago?

Try the VRML model, too.

[Note: the link has now been updated to the WRL2.0 file. It works.... kinda.... it takes a LOT of zooming out/panning/rotating/moving to got into a position to see anything. Part of the problem is the ground plane, which is the same color as the background, so if you get
under the plane, everything becomes a sea of gray.

Another issue seems to be the viewing extents. Once I navigated to a point above the middle, I could see buildings that were near me, but others were obscured by the gray background. As I rotated around, they would melt in an out of this background. I did surround the entire model with a sphere so that a background image could be mapped onto it, but the sphere is plenty big enough that it shouldn't be obscuring any towers.

Yet another issue is that the Zoom and Slide buttons don't seem to work properly. Oh, and somehow the orientation of the model has tilted 90-degrees, so using the Straighten button really screws up the orientation. Hopefully all this can be sorted out by Monday, when it will be time to take the model across the street and set some views....]

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