Sunday, June 27, 2010

We're not in Kansas Anymore

What's New:

- Megan has arrived!! (Hurrah!)

- The class, Studio Civic Friche, has ended. (Boo! It was a fantastic class... I will miss it.)

- Megan and I have gone to and returned from Normandy (photos to be posted soon...)

- Megan and I have gone to Budapest... and we're there (here) right now. We've just arrived, and are sitting in the hotel lobby waiting for the staff to finish preparing our room. Sorry, no photos just yet (the computer here in the lobby doesn't have an SD card reader... oh well). So the next post will probably have a collection of photos from various locations (don't worry, we'll caption them so it's clear what's what). Ok, I think our room is ready now, so it's time to get settled in, strategically plan our sightseeing missions (we only have 72 hours!!), and teach ourselves to speak Hungarian... maybe we'll skip that last one...

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