Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Photo Post - la Deuxième Partie

Day 7: The Pompidou Center. That's the class huddled in the lower right corner of the photo (well, most of them).

Day 7: Some of the articulated structure on the Pompidou Center.

Day 7: Talk about juxtaposition...

Day 7: From the cafe at the top of the Pompidou Center. It was a very nice, but very expensive cafe.

Day 8: A little friche really starts the day off right.

day 8: The Périphérique - the highway ringing Paris that serves as the boundary line of the city.

Inside the Périphérique.

Outside the Périphérique. Big difference...

Day 8: (Parc de la Villette) architects do some funny things sometimes...

Day 8: I liked the color contrast here.

day 8: (Parc de la Villette) kid's play area. It looked fun. We tried to go in as a group, but were stopped at the gate because we did not have any children accompanying us. Age discrimination! We briefly considered "borrowing" Anya's 1-yr old son to try to get all 17 of us in, but the idea was quickly dismissed.

day 9: Ah, the French and their crazy chimneys.

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